Briefly Speaking – FL Case Law Summaries
By: Ryan M. Knight – Miami Contributor: Tara Said – Pensacola To receive daily e-mails with case law summaries, please email JCC ORDERS Neal Gonzalez v. Pat Salmon & Sons of Florida JCC Holley: Jacksonville District...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week – Holiday Parties
Greetings, Tis the season for holiday parties and functions, and inevitably, holiday party claims. If its an in-office event during the workday its likely going to be compensable. The events offsite, afterhours or when the workplace is closed are trickier. As a...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week – 2018 Max CR and PTD Supps Reminder
Greetings, The Division of WC has announced: The maximum weekly compensation rate for work-related injuries and illnesses occurring on or after January 1, 2018 shall be shall be $917.00. By special request, a refresher/reminder to increase the PTD supplemental...
Briefly Speaking – AL Case Law Update (11/28/17)
Ex Parte West Fraser, Inc. (2017 WL 4081311 – Sept. 15, 2017) West Fraser petitions the court for a writ of mandamus directing the trial court to vacate its order finding in favor of Thomas on the issue of compensability. The trial court determined that Thomas had...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week – 1-Time Change Day!
Greetings, today is the day we all have to be extra careful to scour everything that came in late Wednesday or over the weekend for 1-time change requests. So far I only received one, a fax at 5:00 exactly on Tuesday, so it was actually a Wednesday request. As a...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week – Constitutional Challenge
Greetings, A few tidbits this week: 1) Oral arguments being held tomorrow at the 1st DCA on whether the Maximum Compensation rate is constitutional in Bosch v. Miami Herald, OJCC# 16-008192. The claimant’s AWW is $1,458.93, and 66 2/3% would be...
Briefly Speaking – FL Case Law Updates (10/26/17)
By: Ryan M. Knight – Miami Contributor: Tara Said – Pensacola To receive daily e-mails with case law summaries, please email First DCA Decisions Rodney Puckett Jr. v. Vallencourt Construction JCC Humphries: Jacksonville...
Deposition “Foe-pas”: You Can’t Make This Up
By: Betsy Campo, Partner, Gainesville Ah…the claimant’s deposition--my favorite part of this job. The claimant’s deposition is the opportunity when we get to meet the claimant in person and find out in their words how they got hurt, what they have been doing...
Georgia: Pain Management Perspectives for Panel Physicians
By: Michael Schurdell, MD, Rome, Georgia Recently, I attended a workers’ compensation conference where there was a discussion regarding which physician specialties should be included on a company's workers’ compensation panel. They specifically discussed the...
Bonuses and the Average Weekly Wage
By: Chelsea Leonard, Associate, Orlando A popular trend, in light of the Castellanos case in Florida which increased attorney fees for claimants’ counsel, is litigation over the Average Weekly Wage. The slightest adjustment in the average weekly wage...