GA Tip of the Week – Revised WC-2
By: Zal Linder | Partner We were recently advised by the Board that the current WC-2 has been revised, and that they will begin rejecting the current WC-2 forms effective 10/1/15. I did a quick comparison of the 2 forms and there are virtually no real differences...
TN Update – Unemployment Rates
By: Allen Callison | Attorney On August 27th, Tennessee released its updated county-by-county unemployment rates. Although unemployment rates didn’t matter under the “old” law, under the “new” law, the unemployment rate can be an important factor in calculating...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week (FL) – MVA’s on the Way To/From Work
By: Morgan Indek | Partner Greetings, I had a client ask me to do a blurb they can send to their clients about late reporting of Workers Comp motor vehicle accidents, an all too common problem. Most of the time this stems from the employer not thinking it is a WC...
GA Reminder – WC-104
By: Zal Linder | Partner Good morning everyone, Don’t forget to file those WC-104’s! As you know, the purpose of the WC-104 is to limit future TTD entitlement to 52 consecutive or 78 aggregate weeks, after which time the claimant can only receive TPD. Thus, you are...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week (FL) – Settling Claims Directly
By: Morgan Indek | Partner Greetings, Last week, the 1st DCA affirmed a JCC decision without a written opinion regarding a Motion to Enforce settlement in Harden v. Kolb Enterprises, Inc. (OJCC# 14-014998, 1D15-0735). In a nutshell, it appears the represented...
GA Update – Physician Panels
By: Zal Linder | Partner Greetings everyone, In the past few weeks, I have received a number of questions about the new Board Rules and the changes to the physician Panel. As of 7/1/15, the new Board Rules went into effect. These now state that there are no more...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week (FL) – Undocumented Workers and Fraud
By Morgan Indek | Partner Greetings, In the past few weeks I have received a number of questions about undocumented/illegal alien workers and WC benefits, so I thought I would send a refresher. In the statute, under 440.105 (4)(b)(9), it states “it shall be...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week (FL): 1-Time Changes
By Morgan Indek | Partner Greetings, The 1st DCA issued a very good ruling for us today on 1-time changes in Gonzalez v. Quinco (1D14-5395). This case will hopefully put an end to the shenanigans some claimant attorneys have resorted to in trying to disguise a...