Morgan’s Tip of the Week- 2023 Max CR and PTD supps reminder
Greetings, The FL Dept. of Financial Services released the 2023 WC Maximum Compensation rate, $1,197, a 9% increase. This applies to all dates of accident from 12:00 am January 1, 2023 on….memo link below. Also, January 1 is the date to increase PTD supplemental...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- FL annual WC trends
Greetings, DOAH (Div of Administrative Hearings), the entity that manages the Florida WC litigation system has just published their annual report which covers July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. As always, it’s a great collection of trends and facts about...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- DCA opinion on 1-time changes
Greetings, the 1st DCA issued an opinion last week “clarifying” what it means that the 1-time change must be within the same specialty. Previously, the 1st DCA had said that neurosurgeon is not the same specialty as an orthopaedic surgeon for the...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Turkey week 1-time change shenanigans
Greetings, This week always brings about claimant’s attorneys attempting to sneak a 1-time change by, in the hopes it gets lost in shuffle. So here is the annual reminder of what to look out for and how to handle the situation. As we are all aware,...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Effective Light Duty Job Offers
Greetings, I am often asked about light duty job offers, what needs to be in them, and do they have to be in writing. Here’s a few things to consider: The law does not require the offer to be in writing to be a valid job offer BUT invariably the...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- IME’s and disputes
Greetings, In the last week I have received several questions about IME’s (Independent Medical Examinations) under 440.13(5). The statute (below) gives the E/C the right to have ONE IME per claim (date of accident) regardless of the number of body parts...
EG Gazette – October 2022
Compensability During the Holidays By Libby Nelson, Associate, Orlando The Holidays are upon us! Just this last week, I walked into a Hobby Lobby and wouldn’t you know - half of their home-goods section was already red and green! This time of year...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Costs on Settlements
Greetings, Well what seemed liked a minor change to the Q-rules of Workers’ Comp Procedure back in February 2022 is now leading to some issues on paying settlements. The rule change simply stated that a JCC did not have to approve the costs a claimant was...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Status of Marijuana in FL WC
Greetings, I hope all of you that were in the path of hurricane Ian escaped with minimal issues and are doing well. A few of you have asked for an update on medical marijuana in Florida’s WC system. There really are two aspects, do we have to pay for it under FL WC...
This year in Georgia it will take planning ahead to get cases closed before the end of the year!
BY: GEORGE WATERS / PARTNER/ ATLANTA As most of you who adjust claims in Georgia have experienced lately, the stipulation approval process in GA has been extremely slow. Regardless of the reason, as a practical matter, if you are looking to settle cases in Georgia...