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Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Magic Words

Greetings, Sometimes a doctor’s narrative medical records are not clear as to their opinion on whether the accident is the Major Contributing Cause of the need for treatment.  While yes, we may have the DWC-25 form completed by the doctor’s office…I am not always so certain those rapidly completed check-marked forms can be relied upon […]

EG Gazette- February 2023

Eraclides newsletter article thumbnail

Authors: Hunter Trubatch- Miami, Jennifer Swan- Orlando, Jordan Goldring- Georgia, Emily White- Tennessee Editors: Jacob Berry- Georgia and Victoria Olson- Georgia Employer Earnings Reports/DWC-19s: Useful Tips and Tricks to Keep Claimants Honest By: Hunter Trubatch | Miami                 “Employee Earnings Reports” also known as EERS and DWC-19s are a useful tool that helps you monitor […]

Morgan’s Tip of the week- 2023 mileage reimbursement for WC

Greetings, In Florida, the Employer/Carrier has the duty to either provide transportation for medical appointments or reimburse the claimant for their mileage.  The IRS just released their reimbursement rates for 2023, and I have received a few questions about what rate the E/C should be using.   Well, it is not a clear answer, and here […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Proposed changes to WC Procedural Rules

Greetings, The Division of Admin Hearings has posted proposed changes to the “Q-Rules” of WC Procedure for comment.  Most of the changes have to do with the way that mandatory state mediations will be conducted in Florida. Within 130 days of the filing a Petition For Benefits, the state requires a mandatory state mediation.  For […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- 2023 Max CR and PTD supps reminder

Greetings, The FL Dept. of Financial Services released the 2023 WC Maximum Compensation rate, $1,197, a 9% increase.  This applies to all dates of accident from 12:00 am January 1, 2023 on….memo link below. Also, January 1 is the date to increase PTD supplemental benefits in the following scenarios: Dates of accident since 10/1/2003 Also, […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- FL annual WC trends

Greetings,  DOAH (Div of Administrative Hearings), the entity that manages the Florida WC litigation system has just published their annual report which covers July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.  As always, it’s a great collection of trends and facts about the overall state of WC litigation in Florida. The link to the report is […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- DCA opinion on 1-time changes

Greetings,   the 1st DCA issued an opinion last week “clarifying” what it means that the 1-time change must be within the same specialty. Previously, the 1st DCA had said that neurosurgeon is not the same specialty as an orthopaedic surgeon for the purpose of a 1-time change, even if they both perform back surgery in […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Turkey week 1-time change shenanigans

Greetings, This week always brings about claimant’s attorneys attempting to sneak a 1-time change by, in the hopes it gets lost in shuffle.   So here is the annual reminder of what to look out for and how to handle the situation. As we are all aware, based on multiple 1st DCA decisions interpreting the 1-time […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Effective Light Duty Job Offers

Greetings, I am often asked about light duty job offers, what needs to be in them, and do they have to be in writing.   Here’s a few things to consider: The law does not require the offer to be in writing to be a valid job offer BUT invariably the claimant may deny being offered […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- IME’s and disputes

Greetings, In the last week I have received several questions about IME’s (Independent Medical Examinations) under 440.13(5). The statute (below) gives the E/C the right to have ONE IME per claim (date of accident) regardless of the number of body parts claimed.   However: If your IME will put into their report or testify that they […]