Morgan’s Tip of the week-Missing a Mediation
Greetings, everyone makes mistakes, but they are always fixable (well almost always). Occasionally I will have an adjuster reach out to me thinking that had previously assigned defense with a mediation set for that day. And without fail, our firm...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Initial Packet
Greetings, I just had a very interesting question this morning regarding reporting of claims and when the E/C needs to send the initial packet/brochure to the claimant. If an Employer files a “report only” or “First-Aid” only claim to the Carrier, does the...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week-When does now start?
Greetings, Many things we deal with in Florida WC have tight deadlines. For example, we have 30 days to respond to a Request to Produce, 7 days to pay an order, 14 days to issue a settlement check, 3 days to respond to a request for medical treatment from an...
Morgan’s Tip of the week- Impairment confusions
Greetings, one of the more confusing aspects of Florida WC is the handling of permanent impairment benefits under 440.15(3). Here are a few issues that come up: Two plus two equals what? When a claimant has multiple injuries you may get a rating...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Traveling employees
Greetings, I am often asked questions about accidents that occur while an employee is on a business trip/traveling for work. The statute itself does seem to be strict on compensability, but the caselaw has taken a much broader approach. 440.092(4) TRAVELING...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Accident vs InjuryMorgan’s
Greetings, we often use the terms “accident” and “injury” interchangeably. In the Florida WC statute, these are treated very differently, and the burdens of proof are vastly different. Thinking about them as separate things will help you determine...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Magic Words
Greetings, Sometimes a doctor’s narrative medical records are not clear as to their opinion on whether the accident is the Major Contributing Cause of the need for treatment. While yes, we may have the DWC-25 form completed by the doctor’s office…I am not...
EG Gazette- February 2023
Authors: Hunter Trubatch- Miami, Jennifer Swan- Orlando, Jordan Goldring- Georgia, Emily White- Tennessee Editors: Jacob Berry- Georgia and Victoria Olson- Georgia Employer Earnings Reports/DWC-19s: Useful Tips and Tricks to Keep Claimants Honest By: Hunter...
Morgan’s Tip of the week- 2023 mileage reimbursement for WC
Greetings, In Florida, the Employer/Carrier has the duty to either provide transportation for medical appointments or reimburse the claimant for their mileage. The IRS just released their reimbursement rates for 2023, and I have received a few questions about...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Proposed changes to WC Procedural Rules
Greetings, The Division of Admin Hearings has posted proposed changes to the “Q-Rules” of WC Procedure for comment. Most of the changes have to do with the way that mandatory state mediations will be conducted in Florida. Within 130 days of the filing a...