The Division of WC has announced:
The maximum weekly compensation rate for work-related injuries and illnesses occurring on or after January 1, 2018 shall be shall be $917.00.
By special request, a refresher/reminder to increase the PTD supplemental benefits on any PTD claims where it is warranted effective 1/1/2018.
For any dates of accident on or after 10/1/2003:
- 3% x PTD base benefit x # of years since the accident
- PTD supps end at 62 (unless the accident kept them from earning enough to qualify for SSD or SSR)
- The base PTD plus the PTD supps can not exceed the 2018 max CR of $917
For PTD supplemental benefits dates of accident 1/1/1994-9/30/2003
- 5% x PTD base benefit x # of years since the accident
- PTD Supp limitations (this is confusing let me know if you have questions)
- If accepted as PTD before 62, ends at 62 IF the claimant is eligible for both SSD and SSR (whether or not they applied
- If accepted as PTD between 62 and 65, no supps until claimant reaches 65, then supps for life
- If accepted as PTD after 65, supps for lif
- The base PTD plus the PTD supps can not exceed the 2018 max CR of $917
If you have claims with dates of accident prior to 1/1/1994, please let me know and I can help you if you have questions. As always let me know if you have any questions.