by EC_Admin | Oct 31, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, thought it would be a good day to reflect on the things that scare me most these days in handling a FL WC claim: Missing a 1-time change: Unfortunately, the DCA has allowed this provision of the statute to really be a matter of...
by EC_Admin | Oct 24, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, Under the current state of the Florida law, a claimant can request an advance of up to $2,000 in their claim, even if the claim has been denied, and regardless of whether or not the E/C will be able to recoup it. (There is a 2nd layer of...
by EC_Admin | Oct 9, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, I get quite a few compensability questions about accidents that occur on breaks/lunch breaks. Per the caselaw there is a difference between a regular “15 minute” type break and a lunch break. The issue of whether it is a paid or...
by EC_Admin | Sep 19, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, What do you do when a claimant moves away from a light duty job and the Employer does not have any light duty work in the geographic area of the claimant’s new residence? At first glance, it feels like that is a voluntary limitation of income, and you could...
by EC_Admin | Sep 6, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, The world of claimant attorney fees can be somewhat confusing, so I thought I would go over the types of fees under the law. There are attorney fees that are paid by the Employer/Carrier, and those that are paid by the claimant to their attorney (sort...