by EC_Admin | Oct 4, 2022 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, I hope all of you that were in the path of hurricane Ian escaped with minimal issues and are doing well. A few of you have asked for an update on medical marijuana in Florida’s WC system. There really are two aspects, do we have to pay for it under FL WC...
by EC_Admin | Oct 3, 2022 | Legal Updates
BY: GEORGE WATERS / PARTNER/ ATLANTA As most of you who adjust claims in Georgia have experienced lately, the stipulation approval process in GA has been extremely slow. Regardless of the reason, as a practical matter, if you are looking to settle cases in Georgia...
by EC_Admin | Sep 12, 2022 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, “Lately” I have had few cases dealing with the untimely reporting of claims. With a few exceptions (see the statute below), a claimant has 30 days to report the accident to the employer or be barred from filing a claim. A few things that have...
by EC_Admin | Aug 29, 2022 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, idiopathic claims remain some of the most difficult claims to navigate. Lately I have had a few questions on what and when we are responsible in an idiopathic claim in FL. The 1st DCA did issue a good case back in February, Silberberg, and...
by EC_Admin | Aug 17, 2022 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, earlier this week we did a live CEU for a client (boy is it good to get out and see everyone again), and I thought it would be a good refresher to cover how to handle Hospital bills listed on a PFB. One of the problems we often face is the hospital bill may...