Why Do Defenses Matter?

Why Do Defenses Matter?

By: Rachel Perez Delgado, Associate, Jacksonville With the end of another glorious football season in sight, now is a great time to remember why the best offense is a good defense. There are many defenses in workers’ compensation that are deemed waived if not timely...
Why Do Defenses Matter?

The One With all the Holiday Parties

By: Sabrina Persaud, Associate, Tampa ‘Tis the season! The holidays are here, winter is coming (for all you Frozen fans, that would be Elsa), and we all know what that means – holiday parties! Food, coquito, merriment, dancing, eggnog, work accidents, and so on. No,...
Why Do Defenses Matter?

One Time Change Requests and Holidays

By: Alec Powers, Associate, Orlando It’s that time of the year again. There is a palpable sense of bliss is in the air as the major holidays are upon us. It is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and all you want to do is leave work early to get to your family,...