by EC_Admin | Dec 28, 2018 | Eraclides Gazette
By: Mallorie Milord, Associate, Miami The holiday season is always a time that brings people in the workplace together. Whether your office is hosting a potluck holiday party at the office, at a co-worker’s house, or at a nice restaurant, it’s bound to be a good time....
by EC_Admin | Dec 28, 2018 | Eraclides Gazette
By: Kenny Bishop, Associate, Atlanta Generally speaking, a Georgia Workers’ Compensation injury is compensable when an employee is injured while engaged in reasonable ingress or egress, and an injury is not compensable when an employee is injured while on a scheduled...
by EC_Admin | Dec 28, 2018 | Eraclides Gazette
By: Chelsea England Leonard, Associate, Orlando As the holiday season heats up, a parallel surge of hiring seasonal staff may have already reached its boiling point. ‘Tis the season of the seasonal employee. The emergence of the seasonal employee brings with it the...
by EC_Admin | Nov 26, 2018 | Eraclides Gazette
Matt Williams, Partner, Birmingham Holiday greetings! Below is a report from the Executive Director of a Task force formed to make recommendations regarding sweeping changes to the Workers’ Compensation Act: Members of the Task Force were evenly divided between...
by EC_Admin | Nov 26, 2018 | Eraclides Gazette
Sean Jordan, Associate, Orlando The poor doomed turkey is often the theme of Thanksgiving tables. In addition to ending up as the main course, you may find turkeys on decorations, platters, paper napkins, and more. Not often, though, do you get to see “Tom the Turkey”...
by EC_Admin | Nov 26, 2018 | Eraclides Gazette
Sean Callahan, Associate, Orlando Fall is upon us! Technically… As many of you know, here in Florida we are generally deprived of many of the environmental changes experienced by our northern brethren (looking at you EG Nashville office). Rather than a...