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Latest Stories from Morgan’s Tips of the Week

Morgan’s Tip of the Week-Important “Arising out of” Caselaw

Greetings, last week the 1 DCA issued a very important decision regarding the meaning of “Arising out of” means and its impact on idiopathic claims. To this day, the number one question I seem to get is is it compensable if a claimant is just walking at work and falls (in fact we have a […]

Morgan’s Tip of the week- Changes to the WC Rules of Procedure

Morgan Indek's majestic headstand on a surf board

Greetings, There are some amendments to the “Q-Rules”, the WC Rules of Procedure that go into effect on Monday, 2/14/22 (so consider this my little gift to you). Most of the changes are minor and are more on our end as defense attorneys, but three that should be noted for adjusters and employers: 1) Before […]

Morgan’s Tip of the week- Response times

Morgan Indek's majestic headstand on a surf board

Greetings, There is quite a bit of confusion as to what timeframe an adjuster has to respond to a request for benefits underFlorida law. And the answer is..it depends how they ask and who is asking. Good Faith Letter: There is no requirement an adjuster responds to these (UNLESS it contains a request for a […]

Morgan’s Tip of the week- Old law 401 week cap

Morgan Indek's majestic headstand on a surf board

Greetings, For claimant’s with a date of accident between 1/1/1994 and 9/30/2003, there was a cap on the window where temporary benefits were available of 401 weeks.   Under 440.15(3)(c) they had to use their 104 weeks (back then) of TTD or TPD within 401 weeks (7 years and 8 months ish) of the date of […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week-Post-holiday party blues

Morgan Indek's majestic headstand on a surf board

Greetings, As we start off the new year, we typically see new claims that occurred at Employer holiday events.   Compensable?  It depends. (This same analysis applies to all events throughout the year, not just holiday parties. Bah Humbug!) For an injury to be compensable from a recreational/social activity, two things must be true about the […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- PTD end of the year cleanup

Greetings, A few reminder notes for the PTD season: Do not forget to adjust any PTD supplemental benefits effective 1/1/22. Date of accident on/after 10/1/2003- it’s a 3% increase.  The formula is 3% x number of years since the accident x comp rate.   PTD supplemental benefits end at age 62 (unless the accident prevented them […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- 2022 Max Comp rate

Greetings, The state has released the Maximum WC rate for 2022, $1,099, see attached memo.  (Ignore the part where it says $1,099.39, the law rounds to the nearest dollar.)  And don’t ask me why they couldn’t have done a clean $1,100.   https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:b8553c3e-0e7d-488d-ba61-807b19d30831

Tip of the Week- FL DOAH annual WC report

Morgan Indek's majestic headstand on a surf board

Greetings, DOAH (Division of Admin Hearings) has published their WC litigation annual report. Some of the comparisons are not apples to apples, DOAH’s fiscal year for the report runs from July 2020 through June 2021. For the comparison, they use the last fiscal year, July 2019 through June 2020. Really only 3 months of the […]

Morgan’s Tip of the Week- Thanksgiving shenanigans season

Greetings, Once again, as we prepare to gather with family and friends to celebrate the season, we must be on our toes for 1-time change shenanigans. As we are all aware, based on multiple 1st DCA decisions interpreting the 1-time change section of the FL WC statute (440.13(2)(f)), we have 5 calendar days to respond […]

Morgan’s Tip of the week- Medical Clearance (FL law)

Greetings, Often, we have to treat a claimant’s underlying personal health condition to get it under control so they can treat for our compensable WC injury.  The treatment of personal health conditions would fall under the Hindrance to recovery theory, and common unrelated conditions we see include uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, weight-loss and smoking. […]