Compensation With Compassion: Death Benefits in the Florida Workers’ Compensation System

The Dreaded Type-O (er, um, I mean, “Typo”!)

By: Betsy Campo, Partner, Gainesville It was a sunny day in the Spring of 2014. I had spent the morning at the deposition of my employer representative in the beautiful Villages area of Central Florida.  My representative did an excellent job and I was feeling good...
FL Tip of the Week – Attendant Care

FL Tip of the Week – Attendant Care

BY:     Morgan Indek | Partner   (click here to  receive e-mails with Tips of the Week) By special request by one of my clients, this week’s tip is on Attendant care.  Attendant care is covered under 440.13(2)(b) (below). Here’s a couple of tips: If you have...
FL Case Law Summaries (2/25/16)

FL Case Law Summaries (2/25/16)

BY: Thomas G. Portuallo To receive daily e-mails with case law summaries, e-mail Colette Duke. 1ST DCA ORDERS Victor Soca v. Advanced Auto Parts/Sedgwick Claims Services Appeal of the Order from JCC Charles Hill DCA Order Date: February 23, 2016                    ...
Compensation With Compassion: Death Benefits in the Florida Workers’ Compensation System

Georgia’s Recent Case Management Updates

By: George Waters, Partner, Atlanta Board Rule 200.2 was introduced on January 1, 2016.  It finally allows partial case management in Georgia.  Prior to this board rule, the Employer/Insurer was not allowed to use a case manager to speak with either the doctor or the...
Compensation With Compassion: Death Benefits in the Florida Workers’ Compensation System

What is a Compensable Aggravation in Tennessee?

By: Allen Callison, Associate, Nashville When the Reform Act went into effect on July 1, 2014, most of us assumed that it would largely do away with aggravation cases based on the “primarily arising out of” standard.  While this has been somewhat true, the Appeals...