

Eraclides Gelman Hall Indek Goodman Waters & Traverso recognizes the significance of June 19, 1865, commonly referred to as Juneteenth, a historical date in American history. Juneteenth is many times referred to as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and...
Black History Month

Black History Month

On behalf of the firm, the Diversity and Inclusion committee, would like to share with you some history about Black History Month and notable African Americans who have contributed to the legal profession in the very states that our firm serves. Black history month...
Coronavirus Update – Tennessee Law

Coronavirus Update – Tennessee Law

Greetings, my colleague Ryan Mirian in our Nashville office was kind enough to put this together regarding compensability in TN. Ryan’s contact info is below, and also below are the GA and FL Tips. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) presents an interesting issue for...