Raise it or Lose it: Attorney Fee Exposure on Petitions

Raise it or Lose it: Attorney Fee Exposure on Petitions

By: Sean O’Neil, Associate, Jacksonville It is hardly a unique situation– the claimant files a Petition for Benefits seeking an orthopedic referral or authorization of diagnostic testing while under the care of an authorized physician, but fails to attach the...
Raise it or Lose it: Attorney Fee Exposure on Petitions

To Modify, Rent, or Buy: Catastrophic Injury Considerations

By: Ya’Sheaka Williams, Partner, Tampa What is the employer/carrier’s responsibility to an injured worker when an injury causes such disability that their current residence cannot accommodate them? This occurs in cases where the claimant sustains a catastrophic injury...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week – “High” Exposure Claims

Morgan’s Tip of the Week – “High” Exposure Claims

Greetings, Soon we could be faced with claimants who, as my grandmother would say, are “taking the pot”. And I have recently been asked by several clients how to deal with “certifications” for usage of medical marijuana (it will be called a certification and not a...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week – “High” Exposure Claims

Morgan’s Tip of the Week – PFB Responses

Greetings, well we are almost 11 months into the post-Castellanos world, and one thing is for certain; there has been an increase in Petitions for Benefits. Compiling the good and the bad of what I have seen over the past few months, here are a few do’s and dont’s in...
Morgan’s Tip of the Week – “High” Exposure Claims

Morgan’s Tip of the Week – Attorney Fee Trends

Greetings, as part of our Firm’s Briefly Speaking updates, a separate update is done on just the attorney fee awards so we can all track our exposure.  For January, for the cases that went to a fee hearing, the dollars awarded were: Hourly rate Total Venue...