by EC_Admin | Apr 25, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, good surveillance can be an effective tool in defending a WC claim in Florida. The decision on how, when and where to use it effectively can be tricky. The three primary objectives in utilizing surveillance are: Pursuing a 440.105...
by EC_Admin | Apr 17, 2023 | Eraclides Gazette
So, You’re Not Going Back to Work as Long as I Keep Paying You? By: Jordan Goldring | Atlanta, GA Editors: Nina Szymaszek | Atlanta, GA Editors: Karysa Eraclides | Sarasota, FL One of the most frustrating things in the Georgia workers’ compensation system is the...
by EC_Admin | Apr 6, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, everyone makes mistakes, but they are always fixable (well almost always). Occasionally I will have an adjuster reach out to me thinking that had previously assigned defense with a mediation set for that day. And without fail, our firm...
by EC_Admin | Mar 29, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, I just had a very interesting question this morning regarding reporting of claims and when the E/C needs to send the initial packet/brochure to the claimant. If an Employer files a “report only” or “First-Aid” only claim to the Carrier, does the...
by EC_Admin | Mar 21, 2023 | Morgan's Tips of the Week
Greetings, Many things we deal with in Florida WC have tight deadlines. For example, we have 30 days to respond to a Request to Produce, 7 days to pay an order, 14 days to issue a settlement check, 3 days to respond to a request for medical treatment from an...