Florida has made the decision to enter Phase 1 of re-opening starting Monday May 4th (except for 3 counties, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach). One of the issues affecting our claims has been the delay in surgeries and medical treatment due to the Exec Order putting elective procedures on hold.
The Order from the Governor today rescinds the ban on May 4th with some caveats. I would recommend contacting the facilities to see if they are now able to move forward with getting your claimants in for treatment or procedures (except those 3 counties, but hopefully they are released soon as well).
Here is the medical excerpt from the Exec Order, and a link to the entire Order regarding Phase 1.
Section 5. Medical Procedures Subject to the conditions outlined below, elective procedures prohibited by Executive Order 20-72 may resume when this order goes into effect.
A hospital ambulatory surgical center, office surgery center, dental office, orthodontic office, endodontic office or other health care practitioners’ office in the State of Florida may perform procedures prohibited by Executive Order 20-72 only if:
- The facility has the capacity to immediately convert additional facility-identified surgical and intensive care beds for treatment of COVID-19 patients in a surge capacity situation;
- The facility has adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) to complete all medical procedures and respond to COVID-19 treatment needs, without the facility seeking any additional federal or state assistance regarding PPE supplies;
- The facility has not sought any additional federal, state, or local government assistance regarding PPE supplies since resuming elective procedures; and
- The facility has not refused to provide support to and proactively engage with skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities and other long-term care residential providers.
The Agency for Health Care Administration and the Department of Health shall utilize their authority under Florida law to further implement and enforce these requirements. This order supersedes the conflicting provisions of Executive Order 20-72. Section 6. Previous Executive Orders Extended The Executive Order 20-69 (Local Government Public Meetings) is extend
Morgan Indek | Managing Partner